Religious Life

The church of Timios Prodromos  is situated in a street dedicated to its name and it is the main church of the community of Vouni .According to local tradition ,in the area where the village exists today , there were 4 settlements among them Vouni village .The three of them were deserted after a terrible deadly  disease which occurred in Cyprus in the beginning of the 17th century .The only settlement that was saved was Vouni ,as it was protected ,according to the residents, by Saint Ioannis Prodromos .The rest of the residents of the other three villages moved to Vouni. In fact, according to tradition there used to be a monastery dedicated to Ioannis Prodromos, with a lot of monks.

The church of Timios Prodromos is of Byzantine Style, single –aisled with sharp central arch and cross doors .Externally it is stone built whereas in the three entrances there are frames of chiseled stone with exceptional   carvings. At the church, the monumental stone belfry stands out with its rich decoration. The interior of the church is decorated with remarkable hagiographies of the 19th century and it is protected by the Department of Antiquities.

In the Southern exit of the village Vouni of Limassol and in a distance of one kilometer towards Limassol, on the top of the mountain which is opposite the village, there is the church of Panayias Peravouniotisas. It is single aisled Royal shaped and it is stone built. The belfry must have been added next to the temple, much later from its construction year.  It is situated in a quiet and beautiful area which offers endless view to the valley of the river Kryou, where the greenery of the vineyards dominates the area. From the yard of the church the visitors can enjoy the panoramic view of the village Vouni. The temple of Panayias Peravouniotissas is one of the six that they exist in the village.


The church of ChrysoSotiros is located in a small hill, outside the community of Vouni .We talk about a rectangular arched construction which is externally invested with stone. From the yard of the church, the visitors can enjoy the panoramic view.

Every year on the 6th August, the name day celebration of the Metamorphosis of Sotiros there is a big fair where many visitors all over Cyprus enjoy attending.

The celebration of the Metamorphosis of Sotiros consists of one of the most important celebrations of the Christian Orthodox’ Church .According to the New Testament, Christ has taken his students Peter, Jacob and John with him to the Mount Thavor of Galilee to pray. His students, exhausted by the mountain hiking, sat down to get some rest but they eventually fell into deep sleep. When they woke up they confronted a miraculous sight. The face of Christ was shiny as the sun and His clothes were white as the snow. Next to Him there were two prophets of the Old Testament, Moses and Elias, conversing with Him. This was the first time that the deity of Christ became so apparent to people. Only on this day, the celebration of Metamorphosis of Sotiros, the strict fasting is relented, which is prior to 15th August and the consumption of Fish is allowed.

A small church, dedicated to one of the most miraculous Saints of Christianity, is located southern of the village of Vouni   of Limassol District. We can find it as we travel from Vouni to Limassol, a hundred meters after the big church which is dedicated to Panayia Peravouniotisa, on the ridge and underneath is the valley of the river Kryos.

The small but so beautiful in architecture church, was dedicated to Saint Ioannis the Russian and there are thousands of people who visit it, seeking for the Saint’s Grace.

Who was Ioannis the Russian and how did he become a Saint?

In order to take our answers we need to go back to 1711 and to the battle fields between the Russians and the Tatarous. The Young Ioannis fought in favor of the Russians. Unfortunately for him, he was arrested by the Tatarous and was sold as a slave to a Turkish King. The Turkish asked him to change his religion and spare his life .The young Ioannis replied that he preferred to die instead of denying Christ. He said If he was let to   honor his religion without disturbing anyone he would serve him like nobody else .The Turkish was really impressed by his determination and kept Ioannis alive .He offered him a house and wealthy food in return to his services .The Saint preferred to stay in the stable along with the horses .He slept there and had lived for many years.

From the day he set his foot on the king’s house, everything had changed. The fields grew every year. The animals were increased in number more and more. Everything in his life was perfect.The king attributed it to the young Ioannis.

He asked him one more time to abandon the stable and move to the house, but the Saint denied once more. Dedicated to his religion, all his life, every night he went to Saint George’s temple secretly and he praised Christ in the darkness .At the age of forty, after a severe disease, he abandoned the human world. A great number of the Christians and Muslims believed in Saint Ioanni’s sanctity. They took his relic and placed it on the altar of the church, he so much loved while he was alive. After a century had passed, in 1832 the army of Oglou Osman entered    the city of Prokopio and after he plundered it he threw the Saint’s relic in the fire .For hours, the Turkish soldiers were trying to burn it.But nothing happened .After the flames were put out the soldiers saw the relic to shine with such a sweet smell.  Terrified as they were, they abandoned   the efforts, confessing the miracle they saw.    In little time, in the whole Minor Asia, everyone was talking about the miracles of Saint Ioannis the Russian. During the year of 1924, in September, secretly from the Turkish Authorities, the intact lodge of the Saint was transferred to Greece .In Evvoia, refugees from Prokopio of Minor Asia built a new village and a brilliant church where the lodge of the Saint was placed. The Saint continues to ‘live ‘and make miracles. Reliable   witnesses claim to have seen the Saint, in a soldier’s uniform in Serbia’s war to treat and save Christian soldiers .The Saint’s miracles are endless. Even from Cyprus, many people visit the church and this is obvious by the ‘gifts ‘and the prayers there. A walking stick of an old lady from Frenaros who visited the Saint, was left leaning at the Saint’s shrine as she did not need it any more.


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