
Dear friends,

As President of the Vouni Community Council, one of the most beautiful and picturesque villages of Krasochoria, I welcome you to our community’s webpage. Vouni is now entering cyberspace with the aim to serve our fellow villagers and to generally provide useful information to its friends and visitors.

Our primary principle is to inform the public and especially our expatriate fellow villagers, who are far away from us, about the several proceedings of our village. Moreover, we aim to inform people about our history, culture, as well as for the efforts we all make in order to achieve a qualitative upgrade of our community.

This way, our community exploits modern technology, just as contemporary reality dictates, in order to create a communication channel with the villagers and therefore upgrade the services provided to them.

On our WebPages you will find a plethora of information and photographs which are related to our community and events and you will get to meet the cultural heritage of our village.

Finally, I would like to thank you for visiting our webpage and to invite you to visit our Community in order to get to know it in person.

Best Regards

Matheos Protopapas   
President of the Vouni Community Council

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